Default values for arrays members of struct [duplicate]
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Intitialzing an array in a C++ class and modifiable lvalu开发者_如何学JAVAe problem
As seen in this question, it's possible to give a ctor to a struct to make it members get default values. How would you proceed to give a default value to every element of an array inside a struct.
struct foo
int array[ 10 ];
int simpleInt;
foo() : simpleInt(0) {}; // only initialize the int...
Is there some way to make this in one line similar to how you would do to initialize an int?
Thew new C++ standard has a way to do this:
struct foo
int array[ 10 ];
int simpleInt;
foo() : array{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, simpleInt(0) {};
If your compiler does not support this syntax yet, you can always assign to each element of the array:
struct foo
int array[ 10 ];
int simpleInt;
foo() : simpleInt(0)
for(int i=0; i<10; ++i)
array[i] = i;
EDIT: one-liner solutions in pre-2011 C++ require different container types, such as C++ vector (which is preferred anyway) or boost array, which can be boost.assign'ed
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
struct foo
boost::array<int, 10> array;
int simpleInt;
foo() : array(boost::assign::list_of(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)),
simpleInt(0) {};
Changing the array to a std::vector will allow you to do simple initialization and you'll gain the other benefits of using a vector.
#include <vector>
struct foo
std::vector<int> array;
int simpleInt;
foo() : array(10, 0), simpleInt(0) {}; // initialize both
If you just want to default-initialize the array (setting built-in types to 0), you can do it like this:
struct foo
int array[ 10 ];
int simpleInt;
foo() : array(), simpleInt(0) { }
#include <algorithm>
struct foo
int array[ 10 ];
int simpleInt;
foo() : simpleInt(0) { std::fill(array, array+10, 42); }
or use std::generate(begin, end, generator);
where the generator is up to you.