
RegEx: Separating a String in two at the $

I have a string that I import into my javascri开发者_如何转开发pt application. It consists of this:

Text here (some text in parenthesis) $Price

I would like to separate this string into three strings (The beginning part, the parenthesis, and the price).

I know this probably involves regular expressions, but that is a beast I cannot hope to tackle right now. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Without regular expressions, this works:

var part1 = mystring.substring(0, mystring.indexOf('('));
var part2 = mystring.substring(mystring.indexOf('(') + 1, mystring.indexOf(')'));
var part3 = '$' + mystring.split('$')[1];

Example/demo: http://jsfiddle.net/fallen888/6EU3W/3/


var part1 = null;
var part2 = null;
var part3 = null;

if (mystring.indexOf('(') >= 0 && mystring.indexOf('(') > 0) {
    part1 = mystring.substring(0, mystring.indexOf('('));
    part2 = mystring.substring(mystring.indexOf('(') + 1, mystring.indexOf(')'));
    part3 = '$' + mystring.split('$')[1];
else {
    var parts = mystring.split('$');
    part1 = parts[0];
    part2 = '$' + parts[1];

var str = "Text here (some text in parenthesis) $33.55";
var matches = str.match(/(.+) (\(.+\)) (\$.+)/);

Gives you:

["Text here (some text in parenthesis) $33.55", "Text here", "(some text in parenthesis)", "$33.55"]

matches[1], matches[2], and matches[3] contain what you want.

var match = "Text here (some text in parenthesis) $Price".match(/(.+)(\(.+\))(.+)/);
match[1], match[2], match[3];

Or using split (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/split):

var split12 = "Text here (some text in parenthesis) $Price".split('(');
var split1 = split12[0];
var split23 = split12[1].split(')');
var split2 = '(' + split23[0] + ')';
var split3 = split23[1];

Better to learn some regexp, don't you think?


Try this:

([\w\s]+) (([\w\s]+)) (\$\w+)

Assuming that when you say text, it is alpahnumeric. If you want to allow punctuation marks, modify [\w\s] to include those as well. (e.g. to include comma -> [\w\s,]).





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取 消

