Query Needed - Determine number of rows per minute
To keep things very simple, say I have a SQL Server 2008 table with a single column that has a datetime data type. I'd like a query that produces the number of rows for each minute interval. For example, the results would look like this:
7/3/2011 14:00:00 | 1000
7/3/2011 14:01:00 | 1097
7/3/2011 14:02:00 | 569
The first row would mean that 1000 rows have a datetime value between 7/3/2011 13:59:00 and 7/3/2011 14:00:00.
The second row would开发者_如何学Go mean that 1097 rows have a datetime value between 7/3/2011 14:00:00 and 7/3/2011 14:01:00.
The third row would mean that 569 rows have a datetime value between 7/3/2011 14:01:00 and 7/3/2011 14:02:00.
Thank you.
;WITH CTE_ExampleData as (
select stamp = '07/07/2011 14:00:01'
union select stamp = '07/07/2011 14:00:02'
union select stamp = '07/07/2011 14:00:03'
union select stamp = '07/07/2011 14:01:01'
union select stamp = '07/07/2011 14:01:02'
union select stamp = '07/07/2011 14:01:03'
union select stamp = '07/07/2011 14:01:04'
union select stamp = '07/07/2011 14:02:02'
union select stamp = '07/07/2011 14:02:03'
union select stamp = '07/07/2011 14:02:04'
union select stamp = '07/07/2011 14:02:05'
stamp = dateadd(mi,datediff(mi,0,stamp) + 1,0),
rows = count(1)
from CTE_ExampleData
group by dateadd(minute,datediff(mi,0,stamp)+1,0)
stamp rows
2011-07-07 14:01:00.000 3
2011-07-07 14:02:00.000 4
2011-07-07 14:03:00.000 4
Simple group By:
Select DateAdd(minute, DateDiff(minute, 0, [colName]), 0), Count(*)
From [tableName]
Group By DateAdd(minute, DateDiff(minute, 0, [colName]), 0)
If you want every minute within some range in the output, regardless of whether or not there is any data in that minute, use a Common Table Expression (CTE):
Declare @startMinute smalldatetime Set @startMinute = '30 June 2011'
Declare @endMinute smalldatetime Set @endMinute = '1 July 2011';
With minuteList(aMinute) As
(Select @startMinute Union All
Select dateadd(minute,1, aMinute)
From minuteList
Where aMinute < @endMinute)
Select aMinute, Count(T.[colName])
From minuteList ml Left Join [tableName] T
On DateAdd(minute, DateDiff(minute, 0, T.[colName]), 0) = aMinute
Group By aMinute
Option (MaxRecursion 10000);
You could also get the average per minute if someone wanted you to let's say, tell them on average how long your ETL was going to take for X records.
SELECT AVG(ABC.TOTAL_MINUTE) FROM (Select DateAdd(minute, DateDiff(minute, 0,createdon),0) AS [DAY_MINUTE], Count(*) AS [TOTAL_MINUTE] From contactbase Group By DateAdd(minute, DateDiff(minute, 0, createdon), 0)) ABC here
Or if you want to get more in depth, you could give percentages complete all that...put it in a proc...you get the idea.
DECLARE @TtlToProcess AS DECIMAL --- put arbitrary number of 2.5 million in as this is aproximate, could be replaces with true source count if known. SET @TtlToProcess = 2500000 SELECT DATEDIFF(MINUTE,MIN(CB.CreatedOn),max(CB.CreatedOn)) AS [Minutes Run], ROUND(100*(CAST(COUNT(*) AS DECIMAL)/CAST(@TtlToProcess AS DECIMAL)),1) AS [%Complete], ROUND(100-(100*(CAST(COUNT(*) AS DECIMAL)/CAST(@TtlToProcess AS DECIMAL))),1) AS [% Left], COUNT(*) AS [Rows Processed], @TtlToProcess-COUNT(*) AS [Rows Left], (SELECT AVG(ABC.TOTAL_MINUTE) FROM (SELECT DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, 0, CreatedOn), 0) AS [DAY_MINUTE], COUNT(*) AS [TOTAL_MINUTE] FROM ContactBase GROUP BY DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, 0, CreatedOn), 0)) AS ABC) AS [Avg. Rows per Minute], ROUND(((@TtlToProcess-COUNT(*))/(SELECT AVG(ABC.TOTAL_MINUTE) FROM (SELECT DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, 0, CreatedOn), 0) AS [DAY_MINUTE], COUNT(*) AS [TOTAL_MINUTE] FROM ContactBase GROUP BY DATEADD(MINUTE,DATEDIFF(MINUTE, 0, CreatedOn), 0)) ABC))/CAST(60 AS DECIMAL),2) AS [Est. Hours Left],DATEADD(hh,((@TtlToProcess-COUNT(*))/(SELECT AVG(ABC.TOTAL_MINUTE) FROM (SELECT DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, 0, CreatedOn), 0) AS [DAY_MINUTE], COUNT(*) AS [TOTAL_MINUTE] FROM ContactBase GROUP BY DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, 0, CreatedOn), 0)) AS ABC))/CAST(60 AS DECIMAL),GETDATE()) AS [Est. Complete Date_Time] FROM dbo.ContactBase AS CB
Select DateAdd(minute, DateDiff(minute, 0, createdon), 0) AS [DAY_MINUTE], Count(*) AS [TOTAL_MINUTE] From contactbase Group By DateAdd(minute, DateDiff(minute, 0, createdon), 0) order by DateAdd(minute, DateDiff(minute, 0, createdon), 0) desc