
Yet Another Value Restriction Question

In the following code Seq.generateUnique is constrained to be of type ((Assembly -> seq<Assembly>) -> seq<Assembly> -> seq<Assembly>).

open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Reflection

module Seq =
  let generateUnique =
    let known = HashSet()
    fun f initial ->
      let rec loop items = 
        seq {
          let cachedSeq = items |> Seq.filter known.Add |> Seq.cache
          if not (cachedSeq |> Seq.isEmpty) then
            yield! cachedSeq
            yield! loop (cachedSeq |> Seq.collect f)
      loop initial

let discoverAssemblies() =
  AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() :> seq<_>
  |> Seq.generateUnique (fun asm -> asm.GetReferencedAssemblies() |> Seq.map Assembly.Load)

let test() = printfn "%A" (discoverAssemblies() |> Seq.truncate 2 |> Seq.map (fun asm -> asm.GetName().Name) |> Seq.toList)
for _ in 1 .. 5 do test()
System.Console.Read() |> ignore

I'd like it to be generic, but putting it into a file apart from its usage yields a value restriction error:

Value restriction. The value 'generateUnique' has been inferred to have generic type val generateUnique : (('_a -> '_b) -> '_c -> seq<'_a>) when '_b :> seq<'_a> and '_c :> seq<'_a> Either make the arguments to 'generateUnique' explicit or, if you do not intend for it to be generic, add a type annotation.

Adding an explicit type parameter (let generateUnique<'T> = ...) eliminates the error, but now it returns different results.

Output without type parameter (desired/correct behavior):

["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["FSharp.Core"; "System"]
["System.Core"; "System.Security"]

And with:

["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["mscorlib"; "TES开发者_运维知识库T"]
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]

Why does the behavior change? How could I make the function generic and achieve the desired behavior?

generateUnique is a lot like the standard memoize pattern: it should be used to calculate memoized functions from normal functions, not do the actual caching itself.

@kvb was right about the change in the definition required for this shift, but then you need to change the definition of discoverAssemblies as follows:

let discoverAssemblies =
  let generator = Seq.generateUnique (fun (asm:Assembly) -> asm.GetReferencedAssemblies() |> Seq.map Assembly.Load)

  fun () ->
      AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() :> seq<_>
      |> generator

I don't think that your definition is quite correct: it seems to me that f needs to be a syntactic argument to generateUnique (that is, I don't believe that it makes sense to use the same HashSet for different fs). Therefore, a simple fix is:

let generateUnique f =    
    let known = HashSet()    
    fun initial ->      
        let rec loop items =         
            seq {          
                let cachedSeq = items |> Seq.filter known.Add |> Seq.cache          
                if not (cachedSeq |> Seq.isEmpty) then            
                    yield! cachedSeq            
                    yield! loop (cachedSeq |> Seq.collect f)        
        loop initial




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