
Pure statistical, or Natural Language Processing engine?

What are the statistical engines that yield bette开发者_JAVA技巧r results than the OpenNLP suite of tools, if any? What I'm looking for is an engine that picks keywords from texts and provides stemming on those verbs & nouns, perhaps Natural Language Processing is not the way to go here. The engine should also work with different languages.

You're probably looking for the Snowball project, which has developed stemmers for a number of different languages.

LingPipe is probably worth a look as complete NLP tool.

However, if all you need to do is find verbs and nouns and stem them, then you could just 1) tokenize text 2) run a POS tagger 3) run a stemmer

The Stanford tools can do this for multiple languages I believe, and NLTK would be a quick way to try it out.

However, you want to be careful of just going after verbs and nouns- what do you do about noun phrases and multiword nouns? Ideally an nlp package can handle this, but a lot of it depends on the domain you are working in. Unfortunately a lot of NLP is how good your data is.

If you're looking for Java code, I can recommend Stanford's set of tools. Their POS tagger works for English, German, Chinese and Arabic (though I only used it for English) and includes an (English-only) lemmatizer.

These tools are all free, accuracy is pretty high and the speed is not too bad for a Java-based solution; the main problems are sometimes flaky APIs and high memory use.

I had good experience with TreeTagger:


It's easy to use, faster than the Stanford's one, and belongs to the "good" stemmers/taggers out there. It does all operations at once: tokenization/stemming/tagging.





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