
How to save locally saved xml file into .plist file

I need to write and update XML file based on nodes.

For that开发者_如何转开发 I found that I need to convert local XML file into plist file.

Then I can able to update, read and write into plist file as we need.

But I didn't found any sample code regarding this.

Can anyone please post some code regarding how can I save local xml file into plist file?

How can I read, write and update that locally saved plist file?

You first need to parse the XML file into NSDictionary and NSArray and NSString objects and then you can save it with -[NSDictionary/NSArray writeToURL:atomically:].

There are various tutorials available on how to parse XML. I recommend TBXML as it's extremely fast.

You would parse the XML file and put the data into an NSDictionary with keys like this:

  • Name: NSString with the name of the element
  • Attributes: NSDictionary of attributes
  • Text: NSString containing the text in the element
  • Sub-elements: NSArray of sub-elements (array of dictionaries like this one)




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