Nested Forloop with Remove method and If condition using LINQ
I want to convert the below code to LINQ or Lambda expression.
for (int indexprod = 0; indexprod < tempProduct.Count; indexprod++)
for (int index = 0; index < tempProduct[indexprod].Prices.Count; index++)
if (tempProduct[indexprod].Prices[index].Term == null || tempProduct[indexprod].Prices[index].Term == 0)
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if (tempProduct[indexprod].Prices.Count == 0)
I tried to do this:
List<Product> tempprod1= (from p in products
from pr in p.Prices
where pr.Term == 0
select p).ToList<Product>();
but not able to figure out how to remove the price element when pr.Term!0.
Here you have:
.ForEach(p => p.Prices.RemoveAll(price => (price.Term ?? 0)==0 ))
.RemoveAll(p => p.Prices.Count == 0);
Hope this helps. Cheers
Would this not work and be more concise...
tempProduct.RemoveAll(p => p.Prices.Count == 0);
If you want to remove price element if Term = 0 . Below is the query
tempProduct.ForEach(p=> p.Prices.Remove(p.Prices.ToList().ToList().Where(x => x.Term == 0).FirstOrDefault()));