
How to prevent PHP to convert a DateTime object with 0000-00-00 value to -0001-11-30

Currently i'm working with Doctrine 2 and MySQL. I encounter some problems when I work with datetime fields in mysql respectively DateTime in PHP. When in my database the date value is "0000-00-00", in PHP this value is converted to 开发者_C百科-0001-11-30. I'm note pleased about that, so I need to make a check for "0000-00-00" value of date. Does anybody have some idea on this to help? Thanks.

N.B. I'm thinking if it is right to make checking on "-0001-11-30" instead of "0000-00-00".

If the date is not set use NULL to indicate that state. That solves your problem and makes database schema much more clear and verbose.

An alternative is to set the NO_ZERO_DATE SQL mode in your MySQL server. You can set it for your current session as explained at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/server-sql-mode.html

I use this function throughout my code. Pass it a date-like string or a DateTime(Immutable) object; it will spit out a PHP DateTime or DateTimeImmutable object, or false if input is a "0000-00-00"-like string. With the second parameter it can also force the result to be immutable or not:

function ensureDateTime ( $input, $immutable = NULL ) {
    if ( ! $input instanceof \DateTimeInterface ) {
        if ( in_array( $input, ['0000-00-00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'], true ) ) {
            $input = false;
        } elseif ( $immutable ) {
            $input = new \DateTimeImmutable( $input );
        } else {
            $input = new \DateTime( $input );
    } elseif ( true === $immutable && $input instanceof \DateTime ) {
        $input = new \DateTimeImmutable( $input->format(TIMESTAMPFORMAT), $input->getTimezone() );
    } elseif ( false === $immutable && $input instanceof \DateTimeImmutable ) {
        $input = new \DateTime( $input->format(TIMESTAMPFORMAT), $input->getTimezone() );
    return $input;

Basically a "I'm not sure what I started with, but I know what I want", function.

(Note: A bit of PHP 7 syntax here, but easily adapted to PHP 5)

If you can't handle this on your database, you can use this snippet to avoid this behavior anda validate the date

$date = new DateTime('0000-00-00 00:00');
if (DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $date->format('Y-m-d'))) {
    // Valid
} else {
    // Not valid




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