Text with underline line in Raphael JS
I want to make a simple thinge. Just a 开发者_开发百科text with underline line like tag in html. How can i do it in Raphael JS?
Here is a function that should do what you're after:
function underlineText(textElement) {
var textBBox = textElement.getBBox();
var textUnderline = canvas.path("M"+textBBox.x+" "+(textBBox.y+textBBox.height)+"L"+(textBBox.x+textBBox.width)+" "+(textBBox.y+textBBox.height));
var textElement = canvas.text(100,100,"hello world");
Works for SVG canvas, not tested with VML (<=IE8):
var text=paper.text(...);
if (text.node){
You can set any CSS3 text attribute on an SVG element, and CSS2 attribute on a VML element.
I think the previous answer is not good anymore (since for me it's not working at all), but with a few tricks I got it working as a charm.
Here it is:
var underlineText = function () {
var textBBox = textElement.getBBox();
var textUnderline = paper.path("M"+textBBox.x+" "+(textBBox.y+textBBox.height)+"L"+(textBBox.x+textBBox.width)+" "+(textBBox.y+textBBox.height));};