
Set Cancel button for POPup window!

开发者_StackOverflow社区I am implementing a PopUp window which takes inputs.So it contains an OK button(submit button) and also cancel button.So,when i press the OK button it takes input values,if i press the cancel button it should not take input but should make a value decrease by 1.I will explain you clearly why so. here is the code of popup form.

public partial class PopUp : Form {

    public PopUp()

    private void OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


and the OK_click and cancel_click functions in my main form.

public void OK_Click(string tbox1, string tbox2, string tbox3, string tbox4)
    g[b] = Int32.Parse(tbox1);
    h[b] = Int32.Parse(tbox2);
    i[b] = Int32.Parse(tbox3);
    j[b] = Int32.Parse(tbox4);

public void Cancel_Click()


Form ChildForm = null;
private void pictureBox1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    if (a < 2)
        ChildForm = new PopUp();
        l[a] = e.X;
        m[a] = e.Y;


the Mouseup event should occur only two times,every time i press the OK button the value of 'a' increments by one ,so when i press the cancel button even though 'a' increments by one ,in that case i can enter the values only once.so when i press the cancel button value of 'a' should decrease by one . please propose me way how i can implement the mouse up event only two times even after clicking the cancel button.thanks in Advance.!

You are implementing the popup dialog all wrong. The base Form object has a DialogResult property. You should use that to determine your logic in your MainForm.

First, MyPopup:

// Set properties on your buttons either in VS Designer or programmatically
this.button1.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;
// other properties

this.button2.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel;
// other properties

Then, in your MainForm:

// Display popup expecting a DialogResult.OK or DialogResult.Cancel
void ShowPopup ( )
    MyPopup popup = new MyPopup ( );

    if (popup.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
        //  process popup textbox text values
        //  process popup cancel action

Your popup window is derived from Form, as much as I see. The simpliest solutionto prevent the form from closing on CANCEL click first time and to make something else, if I understand right your problem, is to override Form's OnClosing event, like this:

    protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)
        // some decisional logic here 
            e.Cancel =true; //this will prevent the form from closing

Do not invent double events or somethign like that as much as it possible, as this is the first pass to mess.

Use "natural" possibilities of framework you use. I think you will need to rearrange a little bit your code for support this.

If this is not what you were asking for, please explain better. Regards.





验证码 换一张
取 消

