Generating graphs on-the-fly with JavaScript with mouseover "captions"
I am developing a backend that requires to have graphs with information associated in a javascript why. The idea is to reproduce something similar to Google Analytics/Webmaster Tools:
I also like to reproduce the "hover" caption when someone moves throw the days.
Does anybody开发者_如何转开发 knows if this is possible to do it with JavaScript? It's not allowed to use jQuery, so no "use jQuery" replies please.
Thank you in advance
There are loads of svg-based javascript libraries for drawing charts that support custom tooltips among other features.
My personal favourite is Highcharts which is a full-feautured stand-alone library.
The charting libraries of Dojo, ExtJS and YUI3 are also very good and support custom tooltips if you don't mind them being not standalone.
All of these libraries support at least IE7+, mobile devices and all other major browsers.
I suggest using them instead of making your own javascript code for charts. They are all amazingly customizable and unless you need a very special kind of charts these will work great for you.
Google Analytic's graphs are Flash, not JavaScript.
To draw graphs using JavaScript you can use SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and I suggest Raphael. Take a look at it.