
How do I stop <%= from html encoding my script tags?

I am trying to add js dynamically to my view using a custom HTML Helper. The problem I am facing is that the the following server tag is encoding my < and > to &lt and &gt.

    <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server">
    <%: Model.ProductName %>

    <%foreach (var script in Model.DynamicIncludes)
  <%} %>    


This is what my helper looks like:

 public static class ScriptHelper
        public static string ScriptTag(this HtmlHelper hel开发者_运维百科per, string path)
            return string.Format("<script src='{0}' type='text/javascript'/>", path);

When I view the html source the script includes are being written to the reponse stream like so:

&lt;script src='../../Scripts/DataOutEventHandling.js' type='text/javascript'/&gt;

This application is written using the ASP.NET MVC 2.0

Use Html.Raw around your formatted value. You can place this anywhere you find approprate. e.g.



<%=Html.ScriptTag(Url.Content(script))%> will not encode. You probably use <%:Html.ScriptTag(Url.Content(script))%> which performs the HTML encoding.

Notice the difference between <%= and <%:.

For some reason the script tags were being nested. In my helper I added a closing tag rather than using a self closing script tag and it fixed the problem.

 public static string ScriptTag(this HtmlHelper helper, string path)
        return string.Format("<script src='{0}' type='text/javascript'></script>", path);




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