
Android Icon not showing on 2.2 emulator but showing on 1.6

How do i fix this? 开发者_JAVA百科I have icon.png in my hdpi drawable and my mdpi drawable. I am guessing it has something to do with the hdpi drawable. the hdpi version of the icon is spelled correctly and is 72x72 whereas the mdpi is 48x48.

I also tried cleaning the project too. I have no coding except for the template HelloWorld .java file.

Oh it works on the Google 2.2 Emulator but not the Android 2.2 Emulator. Any suggestions?

The last time I had issues with a replacement icon displaying in an emulator, it was because Eclipse needed the directory to be refreshed before it would see the new version and send it to the emulator. If this is the cause of your issue, right-click on the drawables folder and select refresh, then run the application in the emulator again. Eclipse should send the new version over and it should appear as expected.





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