
Compile ASPX/ASCX into DLL? (i.e. compile on client instead of server?)

If I understand correctly with our deployments most code gets compiled on the workstation, and the aspx/ascx files get compiled on first access on the server. Is there anyway to precompile these?

I would like to do this to trigger compile errors at workstation compil开发者_运维知识库e time, rather than at "run-time" and also to potentially allow C# 4 features to work in views as we use .NET 3.5 on the servers.

Visual Studio provides the command-line tools aspnet_compiler and aspnet_merge, and I blogged about how to call them from a batch file.

You can also add aspnet_compiler as a Post-Build event in the project to find compilation errors, but it slows down build times.

If you develop for .Net 4, you need to have the .Net 4 framework installed on the web server.

Follow this link for precompilation overview: ASP.NET Precompilation Overview

Also, if on server 4th framework doesn't installed you can't use C#4 features in your project even if you will precompile application on your dev machine.





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