on click for asp:textbox?
Im looking for a way to have a textbox contain a bit of text until a users clicks into it to enter their own text. Its a search field and the customer wants the textbox to have "Sea开发者_JS百科rch Stock" in the textbox, then when a users clicks in it, it becomes null so they can enter their own criteria. I cant see an onclick or similar in the designview for the textbox though, any hints?
<asp:TextBox runat="server" value="Search Stock" ID="textbox1"
onfocus="if (this.value == 'Search Stock') this.value = ''; "
onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value ='Search Stock'; " />
It's called "placeholder text" - search for that, there are lots of examples (including built-in in html5)
Pre populate the Text property of the TextBox with the value "Search Stock". Then use javascript, and on the OnClick client event of the TextBox...clear the Text.
Here's a quick and dirty version.
<asp:TextBox ID="overlayTextbox" runat="server"ForeColor="#A0ABC6" Text="Search Stock" onfocus="hidePlaceholder(this);"></asp:TextBox>
and the script to hide the placehoder:
<script type="text/javascript">
function hidePlaceholder(sender) {
var overlayHidden = sender.getAttribute('placeholderHidden');
if (overlayHidden != '1') {
sender.setAttribute('placeholderHidden', '1');
sender.value = "";
sender.style.color = "#000000";