
How to know if android phone is inside of a certain building name?

I was wondering was there a way to track if the android device is inside开发者_开发技巧 of a building and retreieve what building by using the location manager? without having GPS being turned on.

Even if you had a Lat/Lon location, you would then use GeoCoding to get the address from the location, addresses may be shown as 2 or 3 buildings in a single location, my home address is shown as a range of house numbers including my neighbours. Without accurate GPS, you wont have enough accuracy.

Android device can get device location over the WIFI or from GSM antennas too, but this is not very accurate. Location technology that is "coarse" only knows where you are within several hundred meters. I think you can not get right results.

If you want to try it, you need to add ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission to the AndroidManifest.xml file.





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