How to check if radio button in radio button list was selected
Good morning
I am having some difficuly in looping through a radiobutton list in order to check if it was selected or not using Javascript. With C# the procedure is relatively easy b开发者_运维问答ut with the Javascript I am struggling a little.
This is the code I use with C# to check if the radion button was selected.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string radValue = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue.ToString();
if (radValue == "")
lblError.Text = "Please select neigbourhood";
lblError.Text = "You come from " + radValue;
The code I use with javascript is a little faulty and I was hoping it could be corrected.
var radNeighbourhood;
for(var loop=0; loop < document.subscribeForm.myRadio.length; loop++)
if(document.subscribeForm.myRadio[loop].checked == true)
radNeighbourhood = document.subscribeForm.myRadio[loop].value;
alert("Please select a neigbourhood");
return false;
return true;
Kind regards Arian
I made a small sample of what you 're asking here.
EDIT: analysis
var radioButtons = document.subscribeForm.myRadio; //it is crucial to store the DOM information in a variable instead of grabbing it, each single time. (DOM operations are EXTREMELY slow)
var len = radioButtons.length; //same as before
var found = false; //our flag - whether something was found or not
while( len-- > 0 ) { //decreasing the counter (length of radio buttons)
if( radioButtons[len].checked === true ) { //if we find one that is checked
found = true; //set the flag to true
break; //escape the loop
if( found ) { //if our flag is set to true
alert( radioButtons[len].value );
return radioButtons[len].value; //return the value of the checked radiobutton (remember, when we broke from the While-loop, the len value remained at the 'checked' radio button position)
else {
alert( "Please select a neigbourhood" );
return false; //else return false
EDIT 2: As a sidenote please be careful of using "for(var loop=0; loop < document.subscribeForm.myRadio.length; loop++)" DOM operations within a loop. the loop < document.subscribeForm.myRadio.length condition checks the document and grabs the radio buttons every single time, resulting in lots of unecessary overhead.
You might be looking for something more like:
var radNeighbourhood;
for (var loop=0; loop < document.subscribeForm.myRadio.length; loop++)
if (document.subscribeForm.myRadio[loop].checked == true)
radNeighbourhood = document.subscribeForm.myRadio[loop].value;
if (!radNeighbourhood)
alert("Please select a neighbourhood");
return false;
alert("You come from " + radNeighbourhood);
return true;