
c++ type conversion

I have a function in C- code based application as given below:

void MyFunction(short count, double (*points)[2])

I am calling this function with the below parameter types:

MyFunction(count, poly_pts);
short count
double *poly_pts

Getting compiler error:

cannot convert parameter 2 from 'double *' to 'double (*)[2]'

I have to pass in the same manner as per the old code. C-cod开发者_如何学Ce doesn't give any error but c++ compiler gives.

Have anyone any ideas how to convert double pointer to two dimension double pointer?

The function expects a pointer to an array of 2 doubles, you only give it a single pointer.

Call it like this:

short count;
double points[2];
MyFunction(count, &points);

double (*points)[2] is a pointer to an array of 2 elements. What you are passing to the function is actually just a pointer to double. If you want the call to work, you have to actually have an address to an array of 2 doubles. Something like this:

double array[2];

Change the function signature to take double* (and possibly another parameter of type size_t to indicate the size) or pass an appropriate value to your original function. Note that dynamic allocation of an array returns just a pointer, not a real array.





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