
Creating a non-thread safe shared_ptr

I'm working on a mult-threaded program, but have a UI component that makes extensive use of std::shared_ptr to manage elements. I can guarantee that only one thread will ever use these shared_ptrs.

Is there a way to define a shared_ptr that doesn't incur the overhead of thread safe reference counting?

It could be based on boost::shared_ptr or std::shared_ptr.

EDIT: Thanks for answers mentioning intrusive_ptr. I neglected to mention that I also need weak_ptr functio开发者_如何学JAVAnality so that rules it out.

UPDATE: The answer for me is to use local_shared_ptr from Boost. See comment from 'he rambled'

Andrei Alexandrescu talked about implementing your own single threaded shared pointer class (with some additional optimizations) at the CppCon 2014

See the video here

And the slides here

I really think the standard or boost should supply a template parameter for using atomic ref counting in their shared ptrs though...

you could use intrusive_ptr, as it allows you to provide your own reference counting. If that reference counting is a simple increment/decrement of a variable you probably won't get any better performance than that.

I have code where the overhead of copying shared_ptr has become an issue, and have used alternative techniques at that point. Let me first qualify that other comments are correct that the overhead of a shared_ptr is very low. I profiled this to actually find one of my trouble points. On my AMD64 Phenom calling a function that copies the shared_ptr takes about 12ns versus calling the same function with a normal pointer at around 1ns.

With those numbers in mind it is hard to imagine you'll get any kind of "safe" variant between a raw pointer and the shared_ptr. So what I do in this cases I either pass the actual pointer or a const & to the shared_ptr. Usually I put a mutex lock on the whole section of code so that I'm guaranteed to maintain the shared_ptr for the entire duration. You could hand-roll a single-threaded reference count, but what would be the point if you know it isn't being shared?

But consider the timings very carefully. Unless you are copying the shared_ptr thousands, or even tens of thousands, of times per second you won't notice the overhead of the shared_ptr.

In the GUI code on the same project I always use a shared_ptr, only the server code avoids it in a few key areas. There are just so many other things in the GUI that slow it down: avoiding shared_ptr would make no appreciable difference.

I suggest going with the Boost intrusive smart pointer.

There is also an implementation from Scott Meyer (here: http://www.aristeia.com/BookErrata/M29Source.html) as published in 'More Effective C++'

However, in case it helps, I yanked a simple refcounting pointer (with some support for polymorphic assignments and custom deletors). This one is decided unthread-aware.

Note: I misremembered that. The polymorphic asignments were in a variation for antoher project. I have that too but it doesn't support the custom deletor :) Let me know if anyone's interested; Of course it comes with separate unit tests for the feature

It comes with Unit tests (e.g. to check for the famous remove linked list node ordering bug). So you know what you get :)

 * counted_ptr - simple reference counted pointer.
 * The is a non-intrusive implementation that allocates an additional
 * int and pointer for every counted object.

#include <stdlib.h>

extern "C" bool mtx_unit_test_countedptr();

namespace MtxChess {

/* For ANSI-challenged compilers, you may want to #define
 * NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATES or explicit */

template <class X>
    struct FreeMallocPolicy
        static void do_free(X* p) { if (p) ::free(p); p = 0; }

template <class X>
    struct ScalarDeletePolicy
        static void do_free(X* p) { if (p) delete p; p = 0; }

template <class X>
    struct ArrayDeletePolicy
        static void do_free(X* p) { if (p) delete[] p; p = 0; }

template <class X,class _P=ScalarDeletePolicy<X> > class counted_ptr
    typedef X element_type;

    explicit counted_ptr(X* p = 0) // allocate a new counter
        : itsCounter(0) {if (p) itsCounter = new counter(p);}
    counted_ptr(const counted_ptr& r) throw()
    operator bool() const { return 0!=get(); }
    void clear() { (*this) = counted_ptr<X>(0); }
    counted_ptr& operator=(const counted_ptr& r)
        if (this != &r) {
            auto_release keep(itsCounter);
        return *this;
    bool operator<(const counted_ptr& r) const
        return get()<r.get();
    bool operator==(const counted_ptr& r) const
        return get()==r.get();
    bool operator!=(const counted_ptr& r) const
        return get()!=r.get();

//  template <class Y> friend class counted_ptr<Y>;
    template <class Y> counted_ptr(const counted_ptr<Y>& r) throw()
    template <class Y> counted_ptr& operator=(const counted_ptr<Y>& r)
        if (this != &r) {
            auto_release keep(itsCounter);
        return *this;
    template <class Y> bool operator<(const counted_ptr<Y>& r) const
        return get()<r.get();
    template <class Y> bool operator==(const counted_ptr<Y>& r) const
        return get()==r.get();
    template <class Y> bool operator!=(const counted_ptr<Y>& r) const
        return get()!=r.get();

    X& operator*()  const throw()   {return *itsCounter->ptr;}
    X* operator->() const throw()   {return itsCounter->ptr;}
    X* get()        const throw()   {return itsCounter ? itsCounter->ptr : 0;}
    bool unique()   const throw()
        {return (itsCounter ? itsCounter->count == 1 : true);}

    struct counter {
        counter(X* p = 0, unsigned c = 1) : ptr(p), count(c) {}
        X*          ptr;
        unsigned    count;
    }* itsCounter;

    void acquire(counter* c) throw()
        // increment the count
        itsCounter = c;
        if (c) ++c->count;

    void release()

    struct auto_release
        auto_release(counter* c) : _c(c) {}
       ~auto_release() { dorelease(_c); }
        counter* _c;

    void static dorelease(counter* itsCounter)
        // decrement the count, delete if it is 0
        if (itsCounter) {
            if (--itsCounter->count == 0) {
                delete itsCounter;
            itsCounter = 0;

} // EON

#endif // COUNTED_PTR_H

Unit tests (compiles as standalone)

 * counted_ptr (cpp) - simple reference counted pointer.
 * The is a non-intrusive implementation that allocates an additional
 * int and pointer for every counted object.

#include "counted_ptr.hpp"
#include "internal.hpp"
#include <map>
#include <string>

namespace MtxChess { 

    namespace /*anon*/
        // sensed events
        typedef std::map<std::string, int> Events;
        static Events constructions, destructions;

        struct Trackable
            Trackable(const std::string& id) : _id(id) {    constructions[_id]++; }
            ~Trackable()                               {    destructions[_id]++; }
            const std::string _id;

        typedef counted_ptr<Trackable> target_t;

        bool testBehaviour()
            static const counted_ptr<Trackable> Nil = target_t(0);
            bool ok = true;


            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 0ul,  constructions.size());
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 0ul,  destructions.size());

            target_t a = target_t(new Trackable("aap"));

            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 1ul,  constructions.size());
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 1,    constructions["aap"]);
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 0ul,  destructions.size());

            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 0,    constructions["noot"]);
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 2ul,  constructions.size());
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 0ul,  destructions.size());

            target_t hold;
                target_t b = target_t(new Trackable("noot")),
                         c = target_t(new Trackable("mies")),
                         nil = Nil,
                         a2 = a;

                MTXASSERT(ok, a2==a);
                MTXASSERT(ok, nil!=a);

                MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 3ul,  constructions.size());
                MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 1,    constructions["aap"]);
                MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 1,    constructions["noot"]);
                MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 1,    constructions["mies"]);
                MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 0,    constructions["broer"]);
                MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 4ul,  constructions.size());

                MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 0ul,  destructions.size());

                hold = b;

            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 1ul,  destructions.size());
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 0,    destructions["aap"]);
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 0,    destructions["noot"]);
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 1,    destructions["mies"]);
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 3ul,  destructions.size());

            hold = Nil;
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 3ul,  destructions.size());
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 0,    destructions["aap"]);
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 1,    destructions["noot"]);
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 1,    destructions["mies"]);
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 4ul,  constructions.size());

            // ok, enuf for now
            return ok;

        struct Linked : Trackable
            Linked(const std::string&t):Trackable(t){}
            counted_ptr<Linked> next;

        bool testLinked()
            bool ok = true;

            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 0ul,  constructions.size());
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 0ul,  destructions.size());

            counted_ptr<Linked> node(new Linked("parent"));
            MTXASSERT(ok, node.get()); 
            node->next = counted_ptr<Linked>(new Linked("child"));

            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 2ul,  constructions.size());
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 0ul,  destructions.size());

            node = node->next;
            MTXASSERT(ok, node.get()); 

            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 2ul,  constructions.size());
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 1ul,  destructions.size());

            node = node->next;

            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 2ul,  constructions.size());
            MTXASSERT_EQ(ok, 2ul,  destructions.size());

            return ok;


} // EON

int main()
    using namespace MtxChess;

    bool ok = true;
    ok = testBehaviour() && ok;
    ok = testLinked() && ok;

    return ok?0:1;

Now adding this as the accepted answer. Boost local_shared_ptr is a single thread reference counted smart pointer that uses non-atomic operations for speed:


Boost provides a macro you can define that will not use thread-safe reference counting.





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