
Acl in CakePHP - Removing this functionality

I built a project w开发者_如何学Cith Acl enabled - I used the CakePHP tutorial on their website to do this.

However, the project no longer needs this functionality.

I've removed all reference of Acl and Aco in my controllers, models and views (if fact I did the tutorial in reverse to remove everything) and I then deleted the three database tables that were generated in this process.

However, I still get the error:

Error: Database table acos for model Aco was not found.

On all of my controllers.

Did the acl baking process add some files I don't know about? How do I get rid of this functionality?

Try emptying your app/tmp/cache. Model relations may be caches there. After that, grep through your app directory for references to Aco and Aro. You may have missed one.

Edit: Also, make sure that your Auth component does not set Auth->authorize to actions (which uses ACL) but something else appropriate. See Auth::authorize in the CakePHP manual.





验证码 换一张
取 消

