
PHP Ajax adjustments

My Website is Structured like:

index.php which includes a router.php and router.php calls required controller.

for example if I call a list page like http://example.com/index.php?list

the router will call the list controller. And list controller includes header, pagination, search_form, list_items,footer views

At the moment every time I click on the page number in Pagination list the complete page will be reloaded and all initilization that are in index.php and in list_controller will be loaded.

But now I want to change this process. I only have to reload the list_items view when clicking on page number. Now problem is the variable, constants, and class initilization that were done in index and in list_controller are missing if i call the list_item view directly.

I don't want to change the complete Struct of the website. Is there a way to make all the variables, constants and object available for such an ajax开发者_Python百科 request? As in coldfusion if a page is requested we have a possiblility to initilize the request variables before the request actually runs.

Check bootstrap file and configuration of codeigniter






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