
Construct JPA query for a OneToMany relation

I've those 2 entities

Class A {
    private List<B> bs;

Class B {

    private A a;

    private String name;

1) I would like to construct a query that says get all A's开发者_JAVA百科 that have at least one B with name ="mohamede1945"

2) I would like to construct a query that says get all A's that don't have any B with name = "mohamede1945"

Could anyone help me?

First of all, I think you can learn the answer by looking at this link and search for JOIN: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11035_01/kodo41/full/html/ejb3_langref.html

Second of all, here is my approach:

@NamedQuery(name="A.hasBName",query="SELECT a FROM A a JOIN a.b b WHERE b.name = :name"),
@NamedQuery(name="A.dontHasBName",query="SELECT a FROM A a JOIN a.b b WHERE b.name <> :name")
Class A { /* as you defined */ }

In you DAO, you can make the namedquery like this:

public List<A> findByHasBName( String name ){
    Query q = em.createNamedQuery("A.hasBName")
            .setParameter("name", name);
        return ( (List<A>) q.getResultList());
    } catch ( IndexOutOfBoundsException e){
        return null;

You can use the ANY and ALL constructs to filter the subquery. So something like

1. FROM A aEntity WHERE 'mohamede1945' = ANY (SELECT bEntity.name FROM aEntity.bs bEntity)

2. FROM A aEntity WHERE 'mohamede1945' <> ALL (SELECT bEntity.name FROM aEntity.bs bEntity)




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