
Retyping password to confirm...necessary or excessive?

Simple question...I've noticed several large sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc) have ditched the idea of requiring new registrants to confirm their new password 开发者_如何学Pythonby typing it again.

Balancing usability and error-prevention effectiveness...is it better to require confirmation or not?

I would say yes, it is a useful feature.

I've mistyped a new password on multiple occasions, and I'm glad the software caught it then, rather than later, since resetting or changing a password later is generally a cumbersome process (relative to just notifying me right then that it was wrong).

I think it's excessive and here is a solution to show password on demand which provides an option to view the password if the user is in doubt. It improves usability and user experience.

I believe the confirmation is needed. We can absentmindedly mistype a password and later find it difficult to log in. It is better to put in some extra keystrokes during registration than later going through the whole cycle of resetting password or worse registering again. Prevention is better than cure.

If you have a killer, super easy to use password reset system, then no, its not needed. If your password reset system leaves something to be desired, then go with either the confirmation or a solution like @Chandra suggested.

I think having to retype passwords is worth the pain of accidentally mistyping it first time. If you use numbers in place of letters then seeing the password may not be that much help.

What really bugs me is having to retype an email address. How many people don't simply use copy and paste?





验证码 换一张
取 消

