
Web interface for c++ applications

Our company has a set of 3d modeling softwares written in c++ with qt based gui. We are planning to offer these applications to customers to try them from a web browser. I mean to say, we need to create web interfaces for native c++ codes. Please suggest me which technology, languages should be used. If possible please give some links to some white papers 开发者_如何学Goor case studies for this kind of projects. I am totally clue less :)

Ideally you would keep your c++ code on the server and use a mixture of HTML and Javascript on the browser. However since 3d modeling is so client centric you may have to run some c++ code directly in the browser.

There are a few options to look at:

  • Emscripten
  • Adobe Alchemy
  • Google Native Client
  • A Java Applet using NestedVM
  • Netscape plugin API
  • ActiveX

You could also run a few instances of your application on your server inside an XVnc session and let people use it through a VNC viewer applet. The simplest solution however is still to offer a downloadable demo of your application.

Have a look at Wt

Take a look at Native Client.

Soon you might be use WebGL to do 3D in the browser. But how long it will take for browsers to include it I do not know. But it might be good to look at it to not rule out using it in the future.

If creating everything again is too expensive, always you can create a distributed application:

  • One program running the main application in C++ and generating (for example) XML files.

  • A web application reading the XML files generated by the C++ application and translating them into the web application language (for example Adobe Flex).

Good luck!





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