How can I change URL without refreshing page like Google+?
When I was examining Google+, I'm surprized when I see usage of URLs. Google profile URLs change without refresing page. For example this is a photos tab URL:开发者_如何学JAVAos When you click Videos tab, URL exactly goes to without refreshing page. How Google coders success this?
Have a look at the history object
Especially history.pushState and history.replaceState
(Should mention that this only works in modern browsers, for old ones use hashes).
This is about HTML 5. take a look at "onpopstate event". For further information go to the link.
You could try using a pushState. You can change the URL to another URL within the same domain, but can not change the domain for security reasons.In Javascript, you can use.
window.history.pushState(“object or string”, “Title”, “/new-url”);
Object and string is your domain ex. title you can give whats you want. and lastly you place new url ex. 'webhp?source=search_app'
ex. window.history.pushState(“”, “Google”, “/webhp?source=search_app”);
You could try using a hash. This is not how google does it, but it doesn't force a refresh. In Javascript, you can use
parent.location.hash = "Text";
so that the URL will be
Edit: This seems to be new to Google+. GMail uses a hash like