
Pull down to refresh

I would like to implement a "Pull down开发者_运维问答 to refresh" into my application. Just like twitter has in their iPhone app.

Pull down to refresh

I have found a good source code: PullDownToRefresh but people are saying that they have copyrighted it or somewhat? Please could anyone clarify?

And also, does anyone know of any good tutorials for this pull down to refresh?


The orignal developer of Tweetie, Loren Brichter, has a patent on the Pull To Refresh method, but said not to enforce eny fees.

I've not worked with any of the libraries out there, i've always rolled my own version, its not that difficult.

I just got encountered with the same code. Have a look. It does the same as twitter refresh functionality. Exactly the same. Try it. Works like a charm.

here it goes

A Pull down to refresh... was also made by Facebook team for their Three20 project. You can download it here, on GitHub. You can use this library without any copyright issues.

Use this code in view controller

  - (id<UITableViewDelegate>)createDelegate {
        NSLog(@"Creating Table Delegate for Auto Refresh");
        return [[[TTTableViewDragRefreshDelegate alloc] initWithController:self] autorelease];




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