Determining the called JSON file in Javascript to use in cURL for data mining - twitter like 'more' button
I'm trying to extract a stream of historical messages of a site much like twitter. Basically we all know the 'MORE' button it Twitter. This site has something similar and looks like it grabs a JSON object and parses it. How can I figure out what/where the JSON object is located so I can use something like CURL to mine the data...
The more JavaScript code is shown here:
more : function () {
if (!this.max_id)
return false;
var c = this;
if ($("#updates-more .message").length == 0) {
var b = $("#updates .message:last");
if (b.length > 0) {
b = parseInt(b.attr("id").replace("message_", ""), 10);
if (!isNaN(b))
this.max_id = b
var a = {
stream :,
max : this.max_id
if (this.poll_id)
a.item_id = this.poll_id;
this.paused ||
$.getJSON("/streams/poll?" + $.param(a), function (d) {
if (d.messages) {
d.more === false ? $("#more-button").hide() : $("#more-button").show();
var f = [],
g = [];
$(d.messages).find("li.message").each(function () {
f.push(parseInt($(this).attr("data-ape").replace("messages_", ""), 10))
if (g.length > 0) {
if (d.max)
c.max_id = d.max;
$("#spaceape").trigger("broadcast", {
messages : f.join(","),
object : {
id :,
type : "stream"
verb : "append",
type : "messages"
for (d = 0; d < g.length; d++) {
The line of script you're looking for up there is this:
$.getJSON("/streams/poll?" + $.param(a), function (d) {
That line does the JSON request to the server, and returns a JSON object 'd'. 'd' Contains a list of messages, each with the data I'm guessing you're looking for. This was a bit of an open ended question - is this what you were looking for?