
Changing 'names' attributes of list

Hello I am analyzing some data and trying to use a package that contains a object that has to be formatted in such a way. I have never seen this type of format and I am not sure how to generate it. When I call the object in R this is the strange object:

> a
     A      B          C            D         E          F 
0.00000000 1.34529412 0.31571429 1.26327103 0.32615385 1.12585586 

Here are some attributes of this object a:

> str(a)
 Named num [1:6] 0 1.345 0.316 1.263 0.326 ...
 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:6] "" "A" "B" "C" ...

> class(a)
[1] "numeric"

I can write "a" to a .csv format with the standard write.csv command, and it formats it nicely with two columns, one column with the characters, and the other with the numbers. When I try to read it back in R using read.csv it returns it correctly as a data frame with two columns. However, the function that I am trying to use doesn't like the data frame format and prefers whatever format "a" is in.

So it is possible to take an example data set such as:

> L <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
> R <- c(0.00000000,1.34529412,0.31571429,1.26327103,0.32615385,1.12585586 )
> T <- list(L=L,R=R)
> Example <- as.data.frame(T)
> Example
  L     R
1 A 0.00000000
2 B 1.34529412
3 C 0.31571429
4 D 开发者_C百科1.26327103
5 E 0.32615385
6 F 1.12585586 

And turn it back into this?

     A      B          C            D         E          F 
0.00000000 1.34529412 0.31571429 1.26327103 0.32615385 1.12585586 

With these attributes?

  > str(a)
     Named num [1:6] 0 1.345 0.316 1.263 0.326 ...
     - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:6] "" "A" "B" "C" ...

    > class(a)
    [1] "numeric"

Thank you for the help!

I think this is the sort of thing you're looking for:

newExample <- Example$R
names(newExample) <- Example$L

Instead of writing to disk with write.table() or write.csv(), you should learn to use save(). You can then be assured that when you load() the object back in, you will get a properly constructed copy. If you need to look at the object in an ASCII-readable format you can use dump().

R <- t(Example$R)
L <- t(Example$L)
names(R) <- L

num [1, 1:6] 0 1.345 0.316 1.263 0.326 ... - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:6] "A" "B" "C" "D" ...





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