
Filtering ASPxGridView by a ASPxDateEdit using Control

I want to filter my gridview by choosing date and time in a dateedit. I put a button which has DataBind() controls. The query of the DataSource of the GridView has a WHERE clause. It has a Control connecting the gridview and the dateedit. When I test the query, it works fine. I enabled ButtonClick event and wrote the following code into that:

protected void ASPxButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

As you can see I bound all stuff that I need. But no it开发者_JS百科ems displayed when I choose date and time and click the button. Did I miss something? I appreciate if you help.

I'm the DevExpress ASP.NET Technical Evangelist, Mehul.

There are many ways you can approach this but I recommend using the ASPxGridLookup control which gives you a grid within a dropdown: http://demos.devexpress.com/ASPxGridViewDemos/ASPxGridLookup/FilterServerMode.aspx

You can also use the built-in features: http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q267406.aspx Or try this sample: http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/e/E2040.aspx

Some of these may help you as well: http://search.devexpress.com/?q=filter+external&p=T4|P5|57

To answer your original question, this sample shows you how to databind on an external button click: http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/e/E1662.aspx

Thanks, hope that helps.

Unfortunately, you did not post the code showing how the SQLDataSource is adjusted. However, I've tried to reproduce this problem and failed. Here is my code:

<dx:ASPxGridView ID="gvSupply" ClientInstanceName="gvSupply" Width="100%" 
    DataSourceID="SqlDataSource3" KeyFieldName="OrderID" AutoGenerateColumns="False" runat="server">
        <dx:GridViewDataTextColumn FieldName="OrderID" ReadOnly="True" VisibleIndex="0">
            <EditFormSettings Visible="False" />
        <dx:GridViewDataTextColumn FieldName="CustomerID" VisibleIndex="1">
        <dx:GridViewDataTextColumn FieldName="EmployeeID" VisibleIndex="2">
        <dx:GridViewDataDateColumn FieldName="OrderDate" VisibleIndex="3">

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource3" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
            ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Orders] WHERE ([OrderDate] = ?)">
                <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ASPxDateEdit1" Name="OrderDate" PropertyName="Value"
                    Type="DateTime" />

        <dx:ASPxDateEdit ID="ASPxDateEdit1" runat="server">

        <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />

I've tested the grid with the Orders table from the Northwind database. Also, to test your query, I suggest that you handle the Selecting event of the SQLDataSource and check the e.Command and e.Argumets parameters. I hope, this information will be helpful to you.





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