Convert Autoit Regex to C#
I cant work this out, I have been given this search expression
which works really quick in autoit and gives me 1 result but if I try it in c# it seems to hang. I have also tried
which works really quick in both autoit and c# but gives me 2 results but I only want the first result. I have read "cheat sheets" for autoit and c# but I just don't get it.
Part of the autoit code
Global $SearchExression = _
".*?(8B0D(.{8})898D40F1FFFF6A01)" & _ ;Base_Address
".*?(8986(.{8})8A4F03)" & _ ;LVL_Offset
".*?(898E(.{8})8B5714)" & _ ;Culti_Offset
".*?(8996(.{8})8B4718)" & _ ;EXP_Offset
".*?(8986(.{8})8B4F04)" & _ ;Spirit_offset
".*?(898E(.{8})8B570C)" & _ ;HP_Off开发者_StackOverflow社区Set
".*?(8996(.{8})8B471C)" & _ ;MP_OffSet
".*?(8986(.{8})8B4F08)" & _ ;CHI_OffSet
".*?(898E(.{8})8B5710)" & _ ;MaxHP_OffSet
".*?(8996(.{8})8B4720)" & _ ;MaxMP_OffSet
".*?(8986(.{8})8A4702)" & _ ;MaxCHI_Offset
".*?(8B108996(.{8})8B4004)" & _ ;gold_Offset
".*?(6A0A8986(.{8}))" & _ ;state_Offset
".*?(8986(.{8})8B40048BC8)" & _ ;castid_Offset
".*?(A1(.{8})578B482081C1EC)" & _ ;BaseCall_Offset
".*?(568BF18B86(.{8})85C0)" & _ ;target_Offset
".*?(8B8E(.{8})3BCB740655)" & _ ;pet_Offset
".*?(8B8E(.{8})8B47503BC8)" & _ ;str_Offset
".*?(8B96(.{8})8B47543BD0)" & _ ;dex_Offset
".*?(8B86(.{8})8B4F5C3BC1)" & _ ;vit_Offset
".*?(8B8E(.{8})8B47603BC8)" & _ ;mag_Offset
".*?(8B96(.{8})8B47643BD0)" & _ ;reputation_Offset
".*?(EB5D8B8E(.{8})B801)" & _ ;class_Offset
".*?(8B491C33C08B91(.{8})85D2)" & _ ;jump_Offset
".*?(32C0C38B89(.{8})568BB0)" & _ ;charid_Offset
".*?(8B83(.{8})8D4C243C)" & _ ;name_Offset
"";".*?((.{8}))" & _ ;
Global $NameArray[26] = [ _
"Base_Address", _
"LVL_Offset", _
"Culti_Offset", _
"EXP_Offset", _
"Spirit_Offset", _
"HP_Offset", _
"MP_Offset", _
"CHI_Offset", _
"MaxHP_Offset", _
"MaxMP_OffSet", _
"MaxCHI_Offset", _
"Gold_Offset", _
"State_Offset", _
"CastID_Offset", _
"BaseCall_Address", _
"TargetID_Offset", _
"Pet_Offset", _
"STR_Offset", _
"DEX_Offset", _
"VIT_Offset", _
"MAG_Offset", _
"Reputation_Offset", _
"Class_Offset", _
"Jump_Offset", _
"CharID_Offset", _
If FileExists($File) Then
$FileHnd = FileOpen($File, 16)
Local $Data = FileRead($FileHnd, FileGetSize($File))
Local $Data = ""
If $Data <> "" Then
Local $x = 0
Local $check = StringRegExp($Data, $SearchExression, 3)
If IsArray($check) Then
Global $info[UBound($check) / 2][3]
For $i = 1 To (UBound($check) - 1) Step 2
$info[$x][0] = $NameArray[$x]
$info[$x][1] = _RemoveZero(Reverse($check[$i]))
$info[$x][2] = Dec(Reverse($check[$i]))
$x += 1
c# code so far
if (File.Exists(file) == true)
FileStream inputFile = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open , FileAccess.Read,FileShare.ReadWrite);
byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[inputFile.Length];
inputFile.Read(byteBuffer, 0, (int) inputFile.Length);
StringBuilder client = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < byteBuffer.Length; i++)
// Clipboard.SetText(client.ToString()); //get string to paste into regexbuddy
Regex rx = new Regex(@".*?(8986(.{8})8A4F03)"); //works perfect in autoit but hangs here
//Regex rx = new Regex(@"(8986(.{8})8A4F03)"); // too many groups + too many matches
//Regex rx = new Regex(@"8986(.{8})8A4F03"); //one group but too many matches
foreach (Match mx in rx.Matches(client.ToString()))
I didnt make the original expressions, i dont claim to know how they work
First part of the string is
Result I want is
Try this C# snippet:
string resultString = null;
resultString = Regex.Match(text, "(?<=8986).{8}(?=8A4F03)").Value;