
Using Win32 API functionality along with/from pthreads

I have my own threading library built using TinyThread++. It works quite well, and it was also a great learning experience for me. I have my own datastructures for passing around messages, and the interface makes good sense to me, primarily because I was its author.

Whenever a thread is created in my system, it runs in a loop, and checks for messages occasionally via a message passing protocol of my own devising.

Now I want to start using some Windows API functionality, and windows has its own set of conventions and message queues, etc. Now I'm pretty sure that TinyThread++ uses pthreads. Since I'm using MinGW, I'm wondering if pthreads is being implemented on windows threads. If this is the case, I may be able to just treat my pthreads-threads as windows-threads. But if not, I suspect开发者_如何转开发 I might run into some strange behavior.

edit: looking at the thread type given by Tinythread++ it looks like it actually uses the windows HANDLE to keep track of the threads and even uses _beginthreadex to spawn them.

My question is, will Windows be happy if I go around calling SetWindowsHookEx from some point in my pthreads code? I realize I need to have a Windows message polling loop in the same thread. I intend to do something like this:

try {

    HHOOK mousehook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL, MouseHookProc,
        NULL, 0);
    if (mousehook == NULL) printf("Mousehook error %u\n",GetLastError());

    while(true) {
        MSG msg;
        if (GetMessage(&msg,0,0,0)) {

    printf("Procedure completed without exceptional events.\n");

} catch (...) {

That should be fine.

You may run into trouble if you try to pass pthread thread ids to Windows threading functions which want a thread HANDLE, but here you just need the loop to stay in the same thread as SetWindowsHookEx.

Pthreads don't exist on windows, unless you're using something like cygwin. Either way, the API docs say SetWindowsHookEx associates hooks for application events tied to a particular thread, OR to the desktop on which your app is running. So it can handle being called in a thread, but you need to read the docs so that you call it in a way that gives you the ehavior you want.





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