
How to set Spark List Max Height more than its default value 10000?

I want my list control has its content height as I don't want scroll bars. For the scrolling purpo开发者_开发问答se I have my own scroller in parent container.

Now, The problem is when list control exceeds the maxHeight 10000, then it will start clipping remaining data. I think the solution is increase the maxheight.

So, Please help me if you know how I can set maxheight more than 10000.

For Example..

    </s:Scroller width="100%" height="100%">
        <s:List id="myList" dataProvider="arrData" useVirtualLayout="false" />                              

In this case assume that I have arrData.length = 9999999, and for that mylist's height will become 10000+ (Lets assume 15000). now mylist will clipped after 10000px height or list's vertical scrollbar will visible and as I adready have scroller of my own It will have two scrollbars at that particular time.

You may use list's skinClass for this, in the skin class remove the scroller that is around the dataGroup.


Hey I got the solution....

myList.scroller.maxHeight = XXXXXXXXX (Any Large number)

This will solve the problem.

Thanks @Chris & @Brian for taking interest in my question.

Maybe I'm missing something here, cos this seems like a pretty basic question.

<s:List x="387" y="110" maxHeight="20000"></s:List>




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