
Invoking a function in an iframe from the parent window

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here.

I am building a website with no server-side I have a main page with an iframe and on a button click I want the iframe's src to change and a function in it to be invoked with a passed parameter.

The function is not called for some reason.

here's my code:

the iframe:

<iframe id="main_area_frame" name="main_area_frame" src="" frameborder="0" width="100%"     height="100%"></iframe>

the onclick function:

function onSubMenuClick(images)
    //Set Images Frame
    main_area = document.getElementById("main_area_frame");
    main_area.src = "ImagesFrame.html";

the function in the iframe(ImagesFrame.html):

function initializeImages(imagesStr) 

some weird things I noticed are that

when adding an alert just before main_area.contentW开发者_StackOverflow社区indow.initializeImages(images); the function is somehow called successfully.

if I set the iframe's src from the begining and skip the line main_area.src = "ImagesFrame.html"; - the function is again, called.

any ideas?

Not sure if that is the cause, but I would try putting a delay(sleep) between

main_area.src = "ImagesFrame.html";



in order to allow the iframe to be rendered (I do not know if it is the rendered by the same frame or the browser launches a new one).

Just my two cents.

I have had success with publishing the function from the child iframe during onload handling. For example, (substituting your funcName):

In child iframe, edit body tag (or use equivalent javascript)

  <body onload='top.funcName = funcName'>

In parent page, edit javascript; now the funcName will be generally accessible as,
value = top.funcName( )





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