Is application developed by Adobe Flash Professional CS5 (not CS5.5) visible in App Store on iPhone 4?
I just finished with developing my application by Adobe Flash Professional CS5 and I wonder if this will be visible to iPhones 4 because support for Retina displays was added since CS5.5.
There is section in my info.plist:
Is it enough?
If you do not request high display resolution, retina display iPhones will render as previous generations (320x480).
If you add <requestedDisplayResolution>high</requestedDisplayResolution> you will target iPhone 4 retina (640x960).
For example, to target both iPhone and iPad requesting high resolution:
<iPhone> <InfoAdditions><![CDATA[ <key>UIDeviceFamily</key> <array> <string>1</string> <string>2</string> </array> ]]></InfoAdditions> <requestedDisplayResolution>high</requestedDisplayResolution> </iPhone>