Get body content using HttpServletRequest in Jersey
I am using Jersey 1.7 and I am trying to access the request body in my method very similar to this question: How do I read POST parameters for开发者_开发知识库 a RESTful service using Jersey? Body value comes in fine as
I tried using @Context HttpServletRequest request and tried to access the email with request.getParameter("email") but get nothing. There is nothing inside request.getparameterMap() either.
My API looks like this: @POST @Produces(...) public Response getData(@FormParam("email") String email, @FormParam("password") String password, String body, @Context HttpServletRequest request) { ....
I tried changing the position of String body and request but to no avail.
The String body gets the value perfectly fine(it is coming from an iPhone device and not through a Form Submit and so shows up in the String body). Right now, I am trying to parse the body content( and get each variable like email out but that is painful.
Is there some way to get the values using request.getParameter("email") ?
Or is there any quick utility to convert the body content into String email and String password ?
TIA, Vijay
I never used form parameters myself, but the docs say it should work since forever:
public void post(MultivaluedMap<String, String> formParams) {
// Store the message