
Is there a way to target a tags with img inside?

I need to target a tags with img inside them. Can I do this through css or do I have to use jQuery?

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I set a:hover { border-bottom:1px dotted #fff } but I don't want the border to apply to a tag开发者_Python百科s with img inside them.

There's no :has in css. In jQuery you can do


No, this cannot be done with CSS unless you're willing to mark the a tags with a class or something similar.

Using jQuery, you can do something like this to match a tags that have img tags as direct children.


If you want to allow the img to be any descendant, you can use the :has selector.


May have misunderstood you, but do you mean this?

HTML: <a href="#"><img src="#"/></a>

CSS:  #container a { border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc; }
      #container a img { border: 0 !important; }

This removes borders from images inheriting <a> borders if set. Since you mentioned hover...

#container a img:hover { border: 0 !important; }




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