
TinyMCE 3.4 image upload tool other than iBrowser [closed]

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I've looked for this for a bit, but it seems there is no working plugin for uploading photos/images through TinyMCE, apart from MCImageManager that you have to pay for it.

Is there a plugin working for this purpose with the latest TinyMCE? I've tried iBrowser, but that didn't do the trick.

That said, instead of asking another question, is there another handy TinyMCE plugin that enhance its use?

I came across a post in TinyMCE's forum, "Image Manager Plugin for free".

After trying out the 'images' plugin mentioned in the second post, it worked.

It's recommended since it is easy to implement and there is a nice interface where you can create,delete folders, upload one or multiple photos.


No documentation exists at all but it is relatively easy to implement after having a look through the plugins folders.





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