
Is it possible to do calculus in Ruby? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.

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What I mean is differentiation and integration, stuff that a CAS would do? (like a Typical handheld CAS if not better.)

Is this possible? What gem(s) would I need to install? Does anyone have any experience with this?

Here are a few gems - in different states of development and completeness - that help increase the "mathing" power of Ruby:

  • numo-linalg Linear Algebra Library for Ruby/Numo::NArray
  • nmatrix Dense and sparse linear algebra library for Ruby via SciRuby
  • rb-gsl Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library
  • daru Data Analysis in Ruby
  • mathn Deprecated library that extends math operations
  • mathematical Convert mathematical equations to SVGs, PNGs, or MathML

Unfortunately, Ruby as a language has mostly been used for rapid web application prototyping and development and NOT scientific analysis or data science. Thus, it's capabilities in this area - when compared to other languages such as a Python - are still somewhat lacking.





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