
Microsoft Sync Framework 4.0 how to handle foreign key constraints on a sync

I am building an offline/online web app for the ipad. For synchronization I am using the Microsoft Sync Framework 4.0. A problem I am running into is with foreign key relationships in the sync process. For example:

I have a schedule table and and interview table. Interviews have a foreign key relationship with schedule. When I add a schedule and an Interview and then try to sync, the new interview sometimes gets added before the new schedule which ca开发者_如何学Pythonuses a conflict because the foreign key that the interview is referencing does not exist yet.

I have read about sync groups but I am not sure how to implement them or if they are the answer to my problem.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance...

check that when you provisioned the scope, you added the parent table (schedule) before the child table (interview)

I looked further at the Sync Service Utility UI, in step 4 of the process of generating your configuration file you can actually specify the order of the tables. I think this will solve my problems with foreign keys. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction JuneT.





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