
Jquery cycle plugin float problem and browser compatibility

I'm building a new site for myself as freelancer. I'm planning to use the cycle plugin in the hea开发者_StackOverflowder but I'm experiencing a small problem. I wrote HTML and CSS for de items that need to be cycled. Each div.feature inside div#featured should be cycled. A div.feature exist of an image and a div.info. They are both floated left, so they would appear next to eachother. After writing the HTML and CSS I wrote the Jquery and when I test the page I see the first div.feature perfectly displayed, but after the first cycle all the floats seem to go wrong.

You can check it here: http://webstudions.be/projects/layout6/

Also chrome and safari seem the make another mistake as firefox, ie9 and opera.

Does anybody has an idea of how I should fix this or how I could get this to work??

In your CSS Try adding the following line to your elements style:

clear: both;

This generally fixes my float problems.





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