
replace default Maven lifecycle goals

When I run mvn deploy in my project which has <packaging>war</packaging> I get the error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.5:deploy (default-deploy) on project store-service-impl: Deployment failed: repository element was not specified in the POM inside distributionManagement element or in -DaltDeploymentRepository=id::layout::url parameter

It appears that by default, the deploy:deploy goal is bound to the deploy lifecycle phase. In other words, Maven will try to deploy the generated artefact (a .war file in this case) to a remote repository when the deploy lifecycle phase is run.

In my case, I want to deploy the war to a remote Tomcat instance rather than a remote Maven repository. I've added the following to the pom.xml


This successfully deploys the .war when I run mvn cargo:deploy. However, if I then bind this goal to the deploy phase of the Maven lifecycle by uncommenting the <executions> element, I get the aforementioned error.

It seems that the cargo:deploy goal has been added to the goals bound to the deploy phase, but I want to replace the deploy:deploy goal that is bound to the deploy lifecycle phase (by default) with the cargo:deploy goal, is this possible?

You should bind cargo to pre-integration-test instead of deploy - then your failsafe tests can run against the deployed war file during the integration-test phase. You would run the tests using mvn verify.

You can try disabling the deploy plugin before configuring cargo:


You can disable default deploy goal with maven-deploy-plugin on execution id default-deploy. Old thread, I put it here in case for someone.





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