Location-based Augmented Reality Android SDK [closed]
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Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this questionI am looking for an Android SDK for a location-based AR app I am developing.
These are the features I am looking for:
- Open-source framework preferred (Wikitude API requires an external install which is inconvenient).
- My application should easily open/close the camera view. Specifically, I'd like to open the camera view when the user holds the phone straight up and switch to a map view when it is flat. It would be great if the SDK already supports this :)
- I can add POIs from my application (not loading from a remote POI service) to the camera view, then the SDK would display markers within some distance from my current location.
I hope my description is clear enough. Thanks for any suggestions!
For the AR part you can use this source code. For the 2nd functionality use the sensor to launch the intents. And the 3rd use a MapActivity, you can start with this example Good luck!
You can try metaio Mobile SDK that offers complete location based AR. The popular AR browser junaio is based on this SDK.
You can use junaio. Its free and supports both android and iphone platforms see the following link http://www.junaio.com/
Coding also very easy with junaio. Its PHP