
Eclipse PDT does not underline syntax errors and code completion [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Closed 10 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:

Code Completion not working with remote file (with RSE)

Ater installing Eclipse PDT on my Mac(sno开发者_JAVA技巧w leopard), I installed Remote System Explorer (RSE) from http://download.eclipse.org/dsdp/tm/updates/3.0/.

Now the editor neither underline syntax errors, nor do the code completion. But the editor does color the code. Where I can config it?


In found out on my own skin, that the best option in this case is just to remove the project from list in eclipse, then go to the location of your project and delete:

  • .settings - directory
  • .buildpath - file
  • .project - file

After that just create a new PHP project and everything will start working as expected.

When I had this problem, I found that it was only broken for one of my projects. The other projects showed the syntax error underlining just fine.

Solution: I had accidentally gone into Project; Properties; Java Build Path; Source tab; expanded my project; and under Excluded, I had listed my project. I had meant to include it, but had excluded it by mistake.

So check your build path.





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