
Find number of lines in a project in eclipse?

Is there a pluging/feature to count the number of lines in a proje开发者_如何学Goct?

This may be what you're looking for: http://metrics2.sourceforge.net/

A very simplistic way is to do a regular expression search for '\n' in your project. It will give you a good idea on the number of lines in your project without installing any extra plug-ins.

Instead of installing a new eclipse plugin; If you are on a linux system:

cd to the eclispe project source directory(workspace/project-name/src)

and enter in termianl:

wc -l *.java

This will show you total number of lines as well as number of lines in each file

A quick way to do it is based on this tutorial I found: http://stephendnicholas.com/posts/eclipse-quick-line-count

To summarize, do the following (to use search in Eclipse press Ctrl+H):

  1. Find the total amount of lines: Search your code for \n using 'regular expression' under your code files (e.g. if you develop in java only then search only *.java files).
  2. Find the total amount of blank lines: Search your code for ^\s*\n
  3. Find the total amount of commented lines: search your code for //.*(\n{1})?

Finally: Get the total amount of lines of code by subtracting 2 and 3 from 1.





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