Multiple-step OLEDB Error for SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5 Connection
I am trying to connect to a SQL Server Compact Ed开发者_运维问答ition .sdf file with following connection string;
connMRC.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\Freeweigh.sdf;"
I get the following error everytime I try running an SQL command or opening a recordset:
Multiple-step OLE DB generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.
I am using VB 6.0 and SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2
Here's the code:
Public Sub opnConnectionC()
'Code for opening the ADO Connection
chkConn = connMRC.State
If chkConn = adStateClosed Then
connMRC.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\Freeweigh.sdf;"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub opnRecordsetC(rsOpen As Recordset)
'Code for opening the ADO Recordset
chkRs = rsOpen.State
If chkRs = adStateClosed Then
rsOpen.Source = strSQLC
rsOpen.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rsOpen.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rsOpen.ActiveConnection = connMRC
End If
End Sub
Private Sub tmrUpload_Timer()
Dim cmdUpload As New ADODB.Command
Dim rsFetch As New ADODB.Recordset
Call opnConnectionC
strSQLC = "SELECT Product FROM VehicleWeights"
Call opnRecordsetC(rsFetch)
MsgBox (rsFetch.Fields("Product").Value)
Call clsConnectionC
End Sub
You can only open a forward only, read only recordset