Using variables defined in an included file (included by another file) in the including file in php
Let's say I have three files that have the following code
File 1: firstfile.php
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbname = "mydbname";
$dbuser = "myuserid";
$dbpass = "mypass";
$dblink = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
$errorlogs = "c:/wamp/www/smstrunk/tmp/weblogs.log";
$displaycount = 2;
$querylimit = "LIMIT $displaycount";
$maximportfilesize = 2097152;
File 2: secondfile.php
//Returns the GET/POST parameter value
function getPassedParam($param){
if(isset($_POST[$param])) $value = $_POST[$param];
elseif(isset($_GET[$param])) $value = $_GET[$param];
else $value = "";
return $value;
// DB Functions
function selectSQL($qry, $dblink){
global $errorlogs;
$result = mysql_query($qry, $dblink);
if (!$result) {
log2File("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
return false;
return $result;
function updateSQL($qry, $dblink){
$result = mysql_query($qry, $dblink);
if (!$result) {
log2File("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
return false;
return mysql_affected_rows($dblink);
function insertSQL($qry, $dblink){
echo $displaycount;
$result = mysql_query($qry, $dblink);
if (!$result) {
log2File("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
return false;
return mysql_insert_id();
//Mailing Functions
function auto_reg_mail($to, $message){
$subject = 'Registration Confirmation';
$headers = 'From:' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
//Logging Function
function log2File($message, $file=NULL){
global $errorlogs;
if($file 开发者_Go百科== NULL)$file = $errorlogs;
$msg = date("Y-m-d H:m:s") . " [" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "] $message \n";
error_log($msg, 3, $file);
// Application Specific Functions
// 1. Get customer id from msisdn
function getCustID($msisdn, $lowner, $dblink, $alias = ""){
//Check if msisdn already exists for this user
$sql = sprintf("SELECT custid, mstatus FROM msisdn WHERE number = '%s' AND owner = '$lowner'", mysql_real_escape_string($msisdn));
$rsmsisdn = selectSQL($sql, $dblink);
if($rwmsisdn = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsmsisdn)){
$custID = $rwmsisdn['custid'];
$mstatus = $rwmsisdn['mstatus'];
$sql = sprintf("UPDATE msisdn SET mstatus = 0, alias = '%s' WHERE custID = '$custID'", mysql_real_escape_string($alias));
updateSQL($sql, $dblink);
// if not insert number
$sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO msisdn (number, owner, alias) VALUES ('%s', '$lowner', '%s')", $msisdn, mysql_real_escape_string($alias));
$custID = insertSQL($sql, $dblink);
return $custID;
File 3: third.php
include ("secondfile.php");
echo $dblink;
Why is $dblink giving me undefined variable when I have already defined it in firstfile.php? Does the php compiler/interpreter allow limited levels of include
[I] am not calling includes through a file system path
fetches a file, and then executes the PHP source code in it.
If you are using a http://
path, every include will get interpreted separately, in its own parser instance. That way, variables defined in one include will not make it to the other.
You need to use filesystem paths (or make your http includes emit source code instead of executing it).