Capture image from laptop camera [duplicate]
Possible Duplicate:
Control Camera Device From C#
I have a laptop that has a built in camera in the lid.
I want to write a C# application to capture the image, and save it to the hard drive.
Does anyone have a quick code snippet to accomplish this?
I am running under windows 7 (64bit)
The Emgu cv library is overkill for this, but here is an example in 7 lines:
ImageViewer viewer = new ImageViewer(); //create an image viewer
Capture capture = new Capture(); //create a camera captue
Application.Idle += new EventHandler(delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ //run this until application closed (close button click on image viewer)
viewer.Image = capture.QueryFrame(); //draw the image obtained from camera
viewer.ShowDialog(); //show the image viewer
Let me point you towards the DirectShow library.
Find an appropriate sample that runs, then inspect the source code.
Here's another link that you may find helpful: C# + DirectShow.NET = Simple WebCam access?