javamail mail image located on remote machine
I have a method that sends an HTML email and a picture embedded, to reference an image from my machine, eg c:/image.gif
the method works well but I dont know how to add an image that is in a remote machine which I know your IP address and the path where the image. My code to add the image I have it like this:
BodyPart imagen = new MimeBodyPart();
DataSource ds=new FileDataSource("c:/image.gif");
image.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(ds));
if i have the path 开发者_高级运维\\\project\2011\doctos\img\image.gif
Use an URLDataSource
instead, like so:
BodyPart imagen = new MimeBodyPart();
URL url = new URL("");
URLDataSource ds = new URLDataSource(url);
image.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(ds));
image.setHeader("Content-ID", "img");