When using SASS how can I import a file from a different directory?
In SASS, is it possible to import a file from another directory? For example, if I had a structure like this:
- root_directory
- sub_directory_a
- _common.scss
- templ开发者_StackOverflow社区ate.scss
- sub_directory_b
- more_styles.scss
template.scss could import _common.scss using @import "common"
but is it possible for more_styles.scss to import _common.scss? I tried a few different things including @import "../sub_directory_a/common"
and @import "../sub_directory_a/_common.scss"
but nothing seems to work.
UPDATE: Please consider Mikka's answer first - it should work without flaw if you're only interested in including subdirectories. My answer is specific to including directories other than subdirectories, but works for those, too. But: It's not the idiomatic way to do it.
Looks like some changes to SASS have made possible what you've initially tried doing:
@import "../subdir/common";
We even got this to work for some totally unrelated folder located in c:\projects\sass
@import "../../../../../../../../../../projects/sass/common";
Just add enough ../
to be sure you'll end up at the drive root and you're good to go.
Of course, this solution is far from pretty, but I couldn't get an import from a totally different folder to work, neither using I c:\projects\sass
nor setting the environment variable SASS_PATH
(from: :load_paths reference) to that same value.
You could use the -I
command line switch or :load_paths
option from Ruby code to add sub_directory_a
to Sass's load path. So if you're running Sass from root_directory
, do something like this:
sass -I sub_directory_a --watch sub_directory_b:sub_directory_b
Then you can simply use @import "common"
in more_styles.scss
Using webpack with sass-loader I can use ~
to refer to the project root path. E.g assuming OPs folder structure and that you're in a file inside sub_directory_b:
@import "~sub_directory_a/_common";
Documentation: https://github.com/webpack-contrib/sass-loader#resolving-import-at-rules
2021 Edit: using ~
is now deprecated and the link above says:
Using ~ is deprecated and can be removed from your code (we recommend it), but we still support it for historical reasons. Why can you remove it? The loader will first try to resolve @import as a relative path. If it cannot be resolved, then the loader will try to resolve @import inside node_modules.
Importing a .scss
file that has a nested import with a different relative position won't work. the top proposed answer (using a lot of ../
) is just a dirty hack that will work as long as you added enough ../
to reach the root of your project's deployment OS.
The proper way to do this is by following either of the following two options. I prefer the second one.
- Add the target SCSS path as a search target for the SCSS compiler: This can be achieved by adding the stylesheets folder into the SCSS config file, this is a function of the framework you are using,
use :load_paths
at config.rd
for compass-based frameworks (Ex. rails)
use the following code at scss-config.json
for fourseven/meteor-scss
"includePaths": [
- [Recommended] Use absolute path reference (vs. relative paths).
Example, with fourseven/meteor-scss
, you can use {}
to highlight
top-level of your project as per the following example
@import "{}/node_modules/module-name/stylesheet";
Selected answer does not offer a viable solution.
OP's practice seems irregular. A shared/common file normally lives under partials
, a standard boilerplate directory. You should then add partials
directory to your config import paths in order to resolve partials anywhere in your code.
When I encountered this issue for the first time, I figured SASS probably gives you a global variable similar to Node's __dirname
, which keeps an absolute path to current working directory (cwd
). Unfortunately, it does not and the reason why is because interpolation on an @import
directive isn't possible, hence you cannot do a dynamic import path.
According to SASS docs.
You need to set :load_paths
in your Sass config. Since OP uses Compass, I'll follow that with accordance to documentation here.
You can go with the CLI solution as purposed, but why? it's much more convenient to add it to config.rb
. It'd make sense to use CLI for overriding config.rb
(E.g., different build scenarios).
So, assuming your config.rb
is under project root, simply add the following line:
add_import_path 'sub_directory_a'
And now @import 'common';
will work just fine anywhere.
While this answers OP, there's more.
You are likely to run into cases where you want to import a CSS file in an embedded manner, that is, not via the vanilla @import
directive CSS provides out of the box, but an actual merge of a CSS file content with your SASS. There's another question, which is answered inconclusively (the solution does not work cross-environment). The solution then, is to use this SASS extension.
Once installed, add the following line to your config: require 'sass-css-importer'
and then, somewhere in your code: @import 'CSS:myCssFile';
Notice the extension must be omitted for this to work.
However, we will run into the same issue when trying to import a CSS file from a non-default path and add_import_path
does not respect CSS files. So to solve that, you need to add, yet another line in your config, which is naturally similar:
add_import_path Sass::CssImporter::Importer.new('sub_directory_a')
Now everything will work nicely.
I noticed sass-css-importer
documentation indicates a CSS:
prefix is required in addition to omitting the .css
extension. I found out it works regardless. Someone started an issue, which remained unanswered thus far.
Gulp will do the job for watching your sass files and also adding paths of other file with includePaths. example:
gulp.task('sass', function() {
return gulp.src('scss/app.scss')
includePaths: sassPaths
(the official SASS wrapper for node.js
) provides a command line option --include-path
to help with such requirements.
In package.json
"scripts": {
"build-css": "node-sass src/ -o src/ --include-path src/",
Now, if you have a file src/styles/common.scss
in your project, you can import it with @import 'styles/common';
anywhere in your project.
Refer https://github.com/sass/node-sass#usage-1 for more details.
To define the file to import it's possible to use all folders common definitions. You just have to be aware that it's relative to file you are defining it. More about import option with examples you can check here.
Look into using the includePaths parameter...
"The SASS compiler uses each path in loadPaths when resolving SASS @imports."
If using Web Compiler in Visual Studio you can add the path to includePath
in compilerconfig.json.defaults. Then there is no need for some number of ../
since the compiler will use includePath as a location to look for the import.
For example:
"includePath": "node_modules/foundation-sites/scss",
This is a half answer.
Check out Compass, with it you can place your _common.scss
inside a partials
folder, and then import it with @import common
, but it works in every file.
I ran into the same problem. From my solution i came into this. So here is your code:
- root_directory
- sub_directory_a
- _common.scss
- template.scss
- sub_directory_b
- more_styles.scss
As far i know if you want to import one scss to another its has to be a partial. When you are importing from different directory name your more_styles.scss
to _more_styles.scss
. Then import it into your template.scss
like this @import ../sub_directory_b/_more_styles.scss
. It worked for me. But as you mentioned ../sub_directory_a/_common.scss
not working. That's the same directory of the template.scss
. That is why it wont work.
The best way is to user sass-loader. It is available as npm package. It resolves all path related issues and make it super easy.
I was have same problem and i found solution by adding path to file like:
@import "C:/xampp/htdocs/Scss_addons/Bootstrap/bootstrap";
@import "C:/xampp/htdocs/Scss_addons/Compass/compass";