
Rational Team Concert 3.0: Is there a way to check-in changes in multiple components at once (with the same comment)?

I maintain build files in our project and I often need to make related changes in projects spread to 开发者_高级运维multiple components. Currently, I check-in (using Eclipse plugin) each component separately, pasting in the same comment.

Is there a way to do it at once for all the components loaded to my workspace?

I think you're asking two questions:

  1. Can I commit into multiple components at once?
  2. Can I set the comment on multiple change sets at once?

To commit everything, you can hit the Check-in All Pending Changes button, which looks like:

Rational Team Concert 3.0: Is there a way to check-in changes in multiple components at once (with the same comment)?

To set the comment on multiple change sets, select them and hit F2. It may be easier to switch views to the "change set oriented view" by clicking on the delta dropdown (second from the left on the image above).

I am not sure you can perform a checkin on multiple components, considering the nature of the changeset a checkin is creating:

changeset (at least in RTC2.x, the documentation isn't online yet for the recent RTC3.0.x)

A change set cannot include changes to more than one component.
A change set cannot include changes that have not been checked in. (Such changes accumulate in the component's Unresolved folder, visible in the Pending Changes view, until you either check them in or undo them.)
Each component in a repository workspace has zero or more active change sets.
If you have multiple components in a workspace, separate change sets are created for each component.

So unless you script it with scm commands, you might not be able to do it directly through the GUI.





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